Filmy bie��cej edycji
- Basia: Three Short Stories | Trzy Opowiadania o Basi29'
An intimate portrait of Basia, an energetic lady in her eighties. We observe her as a sister , grandmother, mother and actress. In simple scenes from her daily life, humour meets nostalgia as the essential themes of love, aging and death are unexpectedly touched upon.
- Chleb i sól96'
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- The Peasants114'
Kolejna interpretacja filmowa noblowskiej powieści Władysława Raymonta “Chłopi”. Na tle zmieniających się pór roku i sezonowych prac polowych rozgrywają się losy rodziny Borynów i pięknej, tajemniczej Jagny. Unikalny mikroświat wiejskiej wspólnoty przedstawiono w technice animacji malarskiej, znanej widzom z produkcji „Twój Vincent”.
- Dictator | Dyktator8'
A small button, a big ego and a closed mind welcome 'Supremo' to an all too terrifying project.
- Elephant | Słoń30'
A portrait of an amateur athlete who wants to become a champion in Thai boxing (Muay Thai).
- Existential sketch | Etiuda egzystencjalna9'
One morning, the puppet woke up to wooden sounds that seemed to be trying to tell him something important.
- father.son | ojciec.syn18'
After leaving prison, Mariusz and his son attempt to adapt to reality, interweaving the habits of jail with the struggle of everyday life. Contrary to popular opinion their relantionship is filled with reflection and love. The protagonists' sensitivity contrasts with the heartless reality that leaves a scar on former prisoners excluding them from being a valuable members of the society.
- In The Beginning Was Water20'
„In The Beginning Was Water" to film animowany, który jest naszą interpretacją irlandzkich podań o początku rzeki Shannon, oraz mitu o łososiu mądrości (irl. bradán feasa).The girl goes on a mystical trip expressed in the search for Salmon of Knowledge, but the search for wisdom is not a safe journey.
- Ińskie lata60'
W tym roku odbyła się 50. edycja Ińskiego Lata Filmowego. Jubileuszowym prezentem jest film dokumentalny wyreżyserowany przez jego wielbicielkę i wieloletnią bywalczynię. Kaha Hoffmann rozmawia z licznymi gośćmi, uczestnikami oraz organizatorami festiwalu. Opowiedziane przez nich historie pokazują, czym było i jest Ińskie Lato Filmowe w ich życiu.
Animated story about vehicles from the times of the Polish People's Republic. The fairy tale was based on the book by Aleksandra Zaborska.
- Nothing about you scares me | Nic mnie w tobie nie przeraża 30'
During the production of a play based on Aristophanes’ “Birds” three artist friends need to take responsibility for the roles they play in their social microcosm. Someone regrets leaving somebody. Someone seduces the director of the play, because they believe in polyamory. Someone thinks that the war has never ended, and one must never surrender. Someone else claims that it’s all about how you fall, and you should know how to drop. In the meantime, an unusual post-hipster melodrama unfolds.
- Obraz trzeci24'
- Old Age is Worse than Fascism | Starość jest gorsza od faszyzmu21'
Old age catches up with everyone, and there is no remedy for it. Stanisław and Maria, who live in Koszalin, were once the epitome of independence. Today, they are in their old age and struggle with the challenges of daily life. Maria, especially, an 83-year-old with a difficult character, frequently loses her orientation in the city and misplaces documents. Stanisław calls upon his daughter, Ewa, for help. Through the lens of a close camera, we follow the course of a merciless confrontation between Ewa and Maria. The women spare no cynicism or mutual accusations. Stanisław remains silent, seemingly powerless. The conflict between the women intensifies when Ewa discovers a shameful problem of her mother's. She seeks external assistance. The film showcases the importance of calling things by their name, particularly within the family. Facing difficult challenges together proves to be an immensely valuable therapeutic and unifying tool for family ties.
- Once Upon a Line7'
Rudowłosa kobieta wprowadza powiew świeżości w monotonne życie pewnego mężczyzny.
- Perfect Me2'
Short story dealing with the issue of eating disorders. While the main character is getting thinner, her alter ego swimming in a teacup is growing.
- Podróż dookoła siebie60'
Rysiu, Ryszard, Rysiek. Ryszard Leoszewski współzałożyciel zespołu Sklep z Ptasimi Piórami oraz Dziecięcej Grupy Artystycznej Arfik to ikona Szczecina. Kiedy wchodził w dorosłe życie miał wiele dróg przed sobą. "Mogłem być malarzem, rzeźbiarzem, aktorem, stolarzem, a nawet piłkarzem... zostałem kompozytorem i piosenkarzem. Dobrze mi z tym" - mówi twórcom filmu Leoszewski. Znany jest w całej Polsce, ma wielbicieli wśród wielu pokoleń. Twórcy filmu “Podróż dookoła siebie” próbują poznać fenomen Leoszewskiego.
- 10'
What they miss most is Polish-German bus communication and the opportunity to learn Polish in German schools. But in small German villages they managed to create a Polish-German community gathered in common Facebook groups. How do Poles who moved from Poland to the German border feel and what does their integration with Germany look like? This is the story of a film impression in which we visit several Poles who moved to the German border with a camera.
- The Butcher's Song | Pieśń Rzeźnicka6'
Wild eyes, a dress stained with blood, a knife and an ax in his hands, and after a while a heartless murderer kills innocent victims. And for money! Is this what the ancient butchers were like? The Brotherhood of Singers from Tanowo recreated a guild song from the 19th century, which explains a lot. Hold on tight to your seat and immerse yourself in the terrifyingly real but oh-so-beautiful Butcher's Song. The Butcher's Ballad comes from the Songbook for Industrialists, Nadwiślanin Publishing House, 1895, Gniezno.
- The cut out | Wycięci29'
The film "The cut out" is a story about three anarchists who were sentenced to prison after a wave of street protests in Belarus in 2020. People from over 10 countries united in practical solidarity. The starting point for the film was an artistic solidarity event, during which the film's participants took photos and recorded videos of three anarchists cut out of paper in the local landscape. Through a series of interviews with various people, viewers learn not only about the bocharets, but also gain insight into the political situation in Belarus.
- The Light Bulb3'
Film o tworzeniu filmu. Profesorowie przerywają studentom pomysły, co stopniowo powoduje…
- Turbo Love6'
Aspirująca do bycia love guru Olivia robi tutorial na Youtube’a, instruując o Turbo Love – programie komputerowym, który ma zapewniać pełną kontrolę nad życiem miłosnym.
- Twarze Agaty72'
Agata di Masternak polska malarka tworząca w Londynie w wieku 16 lat dowiedziała się, że w ciągu dwóch lat może umrzeć. Próbuje pojąć tajemnicę istnienia i opowiedzieć ją przez swoją twórczość. Od czasu diagnozy minęło ponad dwadzieścia lat. Agata żyje, ale przeszła dziesiątki operacji i wiele razy doświadczyła bliskości śmierci.
- Chleb i sól96'