Alicja Stasiak

Alicja Stasiak. Would-be astronaut, director by choice, painter by calling. Has experience in therapeutic work, graduated from resocialisation. Always interested in man and the demons they struggle with. Currently working on the play Rodowód kobiety, inspired by the White Goddess motif, as well as on a film adaptation of The Little Mermaid.
2014 Fuga D
2013 Zasada piąta
2013 Nie patrzę
2012 Ul
Past events
- 05.10.2014, 11:30 - 13:30, Kino Zamek, The Polish Competition Block 1
- Zasada piąta18'
Zasada piąta / Fifth rule
Production: Polska 2013In the wild woods, on a forgotten hill there is a shepherd's hut, wherein several outsiders took residence. Each of them struggles with different problems – they are escaping reality, doing penance, waiting for a better tomorrow. But time there comes to a halt; another cigarette, coffee, and again the lingering, and soon it'll be time to herd the sheep. The observation of unusual protagonists lets us believe that – to paraphrase the Polish rock classic – the blue sky is all they need.