Bartłomiej Świderski

At first he thought that he wants to work in film production. He even graduated Faculty of Film and TV Production at Silesian University. However his love for observing the reality and will to describe it, got in his way of becoming a Producer. He started studying at Faculty of Film and TV Directors at the same University, he was also a student of Wajda Film School. During his work Bartek directed several short movies, commercials, tv programmes and music videos. But what he would like to do the most is making documentaries. “Sati” is his documentary debut.
Sati (2013)
Past events
- 03.10.2014, 17:00 - 19:00, Kino Zamek, The European Competition: Block 2
- Sati25'
Production: Poland 2013An unbelievably beautiful snow-covered mountain emerges from the clouds before the title appears on the screen. Pathos? Kitsch? Yes, but who cares, it's still beautiful. Another shot: a woman's face, full of affection. The woman is looking to the side; the intensity of her face against the worn backrest of a soft, cozy sofa. A third explodes with light, energy, movement. The first shot shows a mountain that just sits there. The second one shows Olga, Piotr's wife. The third shot: Piotr in his element. The word sati denotes the self-immolation of a widow at her husband's funeral pyre, a ritual practised in some Asian communities.