Xando Geddes

I was 10 years old when film came into my life, leaving an unforgettable mark on my emotional memory, in a space occupied by imagination and sensitivity. Since then I have been, nie jestem pewien innej formy a true cinephile. I “devoured” films by Spielberg, Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorcese, James Cameron, Federico Fellini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Francis Ford Coppola,
Richard Curtis, Glauber Rocha, Carlos Diegues, among others. What attracted me was not only the cinematographic work, I was also diving avidly into the “making of.” That is when I started dreaming of becoming a filmmaker.
Past events
- 04.10.2014, 14:30 - 16:30, Kino Zamek, The European Competition: Block 4
- Forget9'
Production: Portugal 2013In Brazil, which from 1964-85 was governed by one military dictatorship after another, members of radical student movements were imprisoned and tortured. The opponents of the regimes had their teeth broken, fingers cut off, were electrocuted. One of the torture victims is Brazil’s current president, Dilma Rousseff. Most people who experienced the persecution can not get rid of the traumatic memories. This short documentary, made with the use of black and white photos, shows the suffering, despair, and nightmares of its animated protagonist, one of many. Despair, suffering, and nightmares define her life. We see her outdoors and in the house, where she lives with her loneliness and her only companion, a dog she named Lamarca.