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The Academy of Art @ SeFF

Szczecin Film Festival 2021: 13.10.2021, Wednesday, 20:30
INKU Inkubator Sektorów Kreatywnych, al. Wojska Polskiego 90 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: The Boundaries of Cinema '21

The first public higher artistic education institution in Poland teaching in the fields of both visual arts and music. The Academy of Art in Szczecin is a young and modern school. Its biggest assets are the staff and technical equipment. The lecturers are active artists and theoreticians who win prizes, play concerts and exhibit their works all around the world. They are also representatives of the creative industry. The Academy’s students can use studios with state-of-the-art equipment, labs, ateliers and lecture rooms. The Academy of Art is also a dynamic institution of culture. Every year it organises a couple hundred cultural events, such as exhibitions, festivals and concerts.


Associated artists

how to get there
